DMCA respects intellectual property and is committed to responsible content sharing. We understand the importance of protecting the rights of creators and ensuring proper attribution of their work.

We do not host copyrighted content directly on our website. Instead, we provide users with information about published works and links to legally available sources where they can be purchased or accessed.

User-generated content is reviewed for copyright compliance. While we encourage users to share their thoughts and experiences, any content found to infringe on copyrights will be promptly removed upon notification.

If you believe your work has been shared in a way that violates your copyright, please contact us directly. We have a clear and defined process for handling takedown requests in accordance with applicable laws.

Here’s what you need to include in your takedown request:

  • Your identification: Provide your name, contact information, and a statement confirming your authority to act on behalf of the copyright owner.
  • Identification of your copyrighted work: Clearly describe the specific work you believe is being infringed upon.
  • Identification of the infringing content: Provide specific links or descriptions of the content you want removed.
  • Good faith statement: Express your belief that the use of your work is unauthorized and violates your copyright.
  • Accuracy statement: Confirm that the information you provide is accurate and legally binding.

We take copyright infringement seriously and will respond promptly to all valid takedown requests. Our goal is to foster a community that respects intellectual property and enjoys literature responsibly.

Changes made:

Removed phrases that could be misconstrued as supporting piracy (e.g., “fragments added by users”).
Emphasized that does not host copyrighted content directly.
Clarified the process for handling takedown requests.
Used language that is more transparent and legally sound.