Home Manhwa reviews How Solo Leveling Anime Fixes Major Issue from Manhwa

How Solo Leveling Anime Fixes Major Issue from Manhwa

The Solo Leveling anime adaptation addresses the power creep issue by introducing S-rank hunters earlier in the series, resulting in a more balanced and engaging storytelling experience.

Solo Leveling Anime Fixes Power Creep Issue

The Solo Leveling anime adaptation has successfully addressed a major issue that plagued the original manhwa, resulting in a more balanced and engaging storytelling experience. By introducing key characters, such as the S-rank hunters, earlier in the series, the anime effectively avoids power creep and adjusts the pacing of the story.

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( Credit to: Screenrant )

In the manhwa, the S-rank hunters, known as the strongest in hunter society, are not prominently showcased until after the protagonist, Jinwoo, has already surpassed them. This delay in revealing their abilities leads to a sense of power creep, where the S-rank hunters appear weak and insignificant when they are eventually introduced. However, the anime addresses this issue by including additional scenes that provide glimpses of the S-rank hunters’ powers, establishing their strength early on and setting a benchmark for Jinwoo.

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( Credit to: Screenrant )

Earned Journey to Profound Strength

By showcasing the S-rank hunters’ abilities in the anime, Jinwoo’s eventual journey to reach their level and surpass them feels more earned. The additional scenes not only help to avoid power creep but also contribute to Jinwoo’s character development and the overall narrative arc.

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( Credit to: Screenrant )

Adjusted Pacing with Anime-Only Scenes

The anime’s inclusion of extra scenes serves a dual purpose of adjusting the pacing and preventing the story from progressing too quickly. The manhwa’s fast-paced nature would have posed a challenge to adapt faithfully without losing tension. To counteract this, the anime adds scenes that provide a buffer and allow for a slower plot progression when needed. These scenes also expand the Solo Leveling universe beyond Jinwoo, building intrigue for anime-only fans and offering enjoyable Easter eggs for manhwa readers.

Conclusion: Solo Leveling Anime Sets a High Standard

Solo Leveling’s anime adaptation has proven to be an exceptional rendition of the popular manhwa. By addressing the manhwa’s power creep issue through the early introduction of the S-rank hunters and adding scenes to balance the pacing, the anime not only avoids the pitfalls of the source material but also enhances the overall storytelling experience. With its faithfulness to the original content and improvements made, Solo Leveling’s anime has set a high standard for manhwa adaptations and has the potential to surpass even the expectations of fans.