Home Manhwa reviews Metro Labyrinth: A Fusion of Naruto and Detective Pikachu

Metro Labyrinth: A Fusion of Naruto and Detective Pikachu

Metro Labyrinth combines the captivating elements of Naruto and Detective Pikachu, creating a unique and thrilling manga with a post-apocalyptic setting and intriguing characters.

Metro Labyrinth: A Fusion of Naruto and Detective Pikachu

Metro Labyrinth combines the captivating elements of Naruto and Detective Pikachu, creating a unique and thrilling manga with a post-apocalyptic setting and intriguing characters.

Metro Labyrinth: A Fusion of Naruto and Detective Pikachu - 1357745985

( Credit to: Screenrant )

Imagine a young man possessing extraordinary yet repulsive powers, joining forces with a sassy and quick-witted critter similar to Detective Pikachu.

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( Credit to: Screenrant )

In the live-action film Detective Pikachu, the titular Pokémon gains the ability to communicate with humans, thanks to his fusion with a once-aspiring Pokémon trainer turned insurance adjuster. This allows Detective Pikachu to deliver humorous one-liners and engage in witty banter. Metro Labyrinth takes this concept to the next level.

Shuu Abe and Tamiko: A Dynamic Duo

The manga introduces us to Shuu Abe, a boy who finds himself awakening in a post-apocalyptic world after having slept through a catastrophic event for over a century. It is during his exploration of this new world that he encounters Tamiko, a cute and cuddly squirrel-like creature.

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( Credit to: Screenrant )

Similar to Detective Pikachu, Tamiko possesses the ability to speak, albeit with a penchant for swearing and occasional fits of rage. However, both Tamiko and Detective Pikachu share a love for belly rubs.

Tamiko takes on the role of Shuu’s guide in this strange new world, much like Detective Pikachu assists his human partner in solving mysteries. While Tamiko does not engage in battles with other creatures, he shares a special connection with Shuu as they both level up simultaneously.

Powers Inspired by Naruto’s Kimimaro

Drawing inspiration from the Naruto series, Shuu possesses a unique power reminiscent of the villain Kimimaro. Kimimaro’s ability allows him to manipulate his bones into weapons, with his most formidable technique being the Dance of the Seedling Fern. Shuu’s variation of this technique involves manipulating a special fungus present in all humans in this post-apocalyptic world. Although Shuu’s power is currently less impressive, he has already demonstrated the ability to generate a sword from his hand.

Cuddly Companions and Witty Banter

While Tamiko and Detective Pikachu differ in personality, they both serve as cuddly companions who guide their human partners while providing witty commentary.

As Metro Labyrinth continues, the potential for Shuu to reach the offensive prowess of Naruto’s Kimimaro becomes increasingly apparent. The manga promises to further explore this daunting world through the eyes of a bone-manipulating warrior and his sarcastic yet well-intentioned critter companion.


In conclusion, Metro Labyrinth combines the best aspects of Naruto and Detective Pikachu, delivering an exciting and captivating storyline. With its fusion of unique powers, intriguing characters, and a post-apocalyptic setting, this manga is sure to enthrall fans of both franchises. Stay tuned for more thrilling adventures as Shuu and Tamiko navigate this dangerous world together.