Home Manhwa reviews Overgeared: A Clumsy Start in the World of VR Gaming

Overgeared: A Clumsy Start in the World of VR Gaming


Discover the shortcomings of ‘Overgeared’, a new VR gaming manhwa that fails to deliver a captivating and unique experience with its underwhelming protagonist, lackluster humor, and outdated approach. Explore alternatives like ‘Tomb Raider King’ for high-quality manhwa content.

Overgeared: A Clumsy Start in the World of VR Gaming

As Ize Press expands its catalog, it faces the challenge of maintaining quality and avoiding genre saturation. With several fantasy/action titles already in its lineup, such as ‘Solo Leveling,’ ‘Tomb Raider King,’ and ‘The World After The Fall,’ the release of ‘Overgeared’ adds another entry to an already crowded market. While the series attempts to blend real-life drama with virtual reality fantasy, it falls short in delivering a truly captivating and unique experience.

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( Credit to: Asianmoviepulse )

‘Overgeared’ employs common RPG elements, including leveling systems and equipment with inherent stats. While not an original approach, it offers a slight spin on a well-known formula. Unfortunately, this lack of innovation places the series in a less remarkable position when compared to its predecessors, making it a difficult choice for readers seeking to make the most of their time and money.

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( Credit to: Asianmoviepulse )

Underwhelming Protagonist Hinders Engagement

The introductory volume introduces us to Youngwoo Shin, a lackluster gamer with a negative outlook on life and an addiction to video games. His uninspiring personality and s**tty attitude make it hard to root for his success. However, there is potential for character development beyond the initial presentation, allowing room for improvement in subsequent volumes.

Questionable Humor and Outdated Approach

The comedy in ‘Overgeared’ falls flat, with some instances bordering on insulting. One particular scene involves a blacksmith who becomes infatuated with Shin, resulting in humor centered around clinginess and predatory behavior. While not offensive or spiteful, this outdated approach is out of touch with modern sensibilities and detracts from the overall reading experience.

Visually Appealing but Lacks Immersion

Visually, ‘Overgeared’ excels in character design and armor aesthetics, which play a crucial role in a series that places a heavy emphasis on equipment. However, the lack of defined backgrounds fails to fully immerse readers in the VR-created fantasy world. Despite this shortcoming, Redice Studio’s track record with titles like ‘Solo Leveling’ instills confidence that the series will deliver quality visuals as the action unfolds in future volumes.

Conclusion: Better Alternatives for Manhwa Enthusiasts

Had ‘Overgeared’ been released earlier in Ize Press’s lineup, it might have generated excitement for what was to come. However, the series feels clunky and awkward in comparison, with its dull humor and obnoxious protagonist hindering its potential. The reader’s ability to connect with or tolerate Youngwoo Shin will ultimately determine their enjoyment of the series. For those seeking high-quality manhwa content, it is advisable to explore alternatives like ‘Tomb Raider King,’ which masterfully handles the concept of an unlikable protagonist with greater finesse and intrigue.