Home Manhwa reviews The Impact of Akira Toriyama’s Art Style on the Manga Industry

The Impact of Akira Toriyama’s Art Style on the Manga Industry

Explore the unique and influential art style of Akira Toriyama, known for his groundbreaking work in manga, particularly in the iconic series Dragon Ball. Discover how Toriyama’s art style evolved and the lasting impact it has had on the manga industry.

The Unique Art Style of Akira Toriyama

Akira Toriyama is a highly influential figure in the manga industry, known for his groundbreaking art style that revolutionized the medium. His impact can be seen not only in his iconic series Dragon Ball, but also in his earlier work, Dr. Slump.

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Toriyama’s art style was unconventional yet refreshing, setting him apart from other manga artists of his time. While many manga of the 70s and 80s aimed for realism, Toriyama took a different approach. His characters in Dr. Slump had exaggerated features, with large heads and short, chubby arms. This unique style captured the attention of readers and propelled the series to success.

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Influences on Toriyama’s Art Style

One of the key influences on Toriyama’s art style was Western media, particularly Disney. As a child, Toriyama was captivated by the art design in Disney animations and often imitated their caricatures. This influence can be seen in his characters’ designs, which have a distinct charm that sets them apart from other manga of the time.

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Evolution of Toriyama’s Art Style

Toriyama’s art style continued to evolve as he worked on Dragon Ball. The series originally started as a one-shot called Dragon Boy, inspired by Jackie Chan movies. Toriyama’s editor suggested incorporating elements from the Chinese novel Journey to the West, which gave birth to Dragon Ball as we know it today. As the story progressed, Toriyama’s art style shifted to suit the more intense and action-packed nature of the series.

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One of the standout qualities of Toriyama’s art is its clarity. Each character has a distinct silhouette, making it easy to identify them and understand their actions. Toriyama’s use of composition and paneling guides the reader’s eye smoothly through the story, ensuring a seamless reading experience. His emphasis on visual storytelling allows the story to unfold naturally, without the need for excessive exposition.

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Toriyama’s Art Style in Action

Toriyama’s art style also lends itself well to action sequences. His clean lines and well-choreographed fights make his action scenes some of the most popular in manga. Toriyama’s characters are highly expressive, with distinct eye shapes and exaggerated features that convey a wide range of emotions.

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( Credit to: Screenrant )

The Lasting Impact of Toriyama’s Art Style

Throughout his career, Toriyama’s art style has evolved, adapting to the needs of his stories. His attention to detail, composition, and visual storytelling have made his works not only visually appealing but also easy to follow. Toriyama’s influence on the manga industry is undeniable, and his legacy will continue to inspire future artists for years to come.

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Dragon Ball, Toriyama’s most well-known series, has become a global phenomenon. Its success can be attributed not only to the engaging story and memorable characters but also to the incredible artistic prowess of Akira Toriyama. His art speaks for itself, leaving a lasting impact on the manga industry and inspiring countless artists.

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( Credit to: Screenrant )